Below is a list of places I’ve spoken at, including conferences, events, and podcasts. You might also be interested in watching some videos I’ve made on various topics.
02/04 KubeCon Europe 2025: (London, UK). Asimov’s Zeroth Law of Robotics: Observability for AI (English).
21/11 Agile Testing Days EU 2024: (Potsdam, Germany) Flirting with Risk: A Playbook for Continuous Reliability (English).
13/11 KubeCon North America 2024: (Utah, USA) Watching the Watchers: How We Do Continuous Reliability at Grafana Labs (English).
24/10 TestCon Europe 2024: (Vilnius, Lithuania) Flirting with Risk: A Playbook for Continuous Reliability (English).
19/09 Linking Your Thinking 14 workshop: (online) Doing It in Public: Observability for PKM (English).
13/06 Romanian Testing Conference: (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Cartography of the Deep: Distributed Tracing for Testing (English).
28/03 Digitale Fitheid Community: (Utrecht, the Netherlands) Doing it in public: Observability for PKM (English).
23/03 PKM Summit: (Utrecht, the Netherlands) Doing it in public: Observability for PKM (English).
22/03 PKM Summit: (Utrecht, the Netherlands) Roll for connections: RPGs, CRM, and PKM - joint talk with Zsolt Viczián (English).
26/03 The Informed Life Podcast: (online) Nicole van der Hoeven on Obsidian (English).
19/04 KubeCon EU 2023: (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) Emergent Load Testing: Rules for Organized Chaos (English).
16/05 ObservabilityCON 2023 Singapore: (Singapore) How to avoid the most common Kubernetes monitoring mistakes (English).
18/05 ObservabilityCON 2023 Australia: (Sydney, Australia) How to prevent issues from hitting customers by using load testing and tracing together (English).
14/06 EuroSTAR 2023: (Antwerp, Belgium) The Lost Art of Taking Good Notes (English).
25/10 TestCon Europe 2023: (Vilnius, Lithuania) Emergent load testing: Rules for Organized Chaos (English).
16/11 Agile Testing Days: (Potsdam, Germany) Adobo and Avocados: Intersectionality in Tech and DevRel (English)
28/11 Quality Bits Podcast: (online) Performance Testing with Nicole van der Hoeven (English)
10/02 Automation Guild 2022 (online): In search of the best Pokémon: Browser automation and load testing in one script with k6. (English).
31/03 Gift Egwuenu (YouTube) (online): Working in Devrel Chat. (English).
07/04 DevOps Toolkit (YouTube) (online): TestOps - Ask Me Anything (English).
19/05 Linking Your Thinking Conference (online): Use it or lose it: What to do with your notes (English).
02/06 ExpoQA Madrid: (Madrid, Spain) How to be a Gish: API, browser, and chaos in one script (English).
08/06 DevOps Paradox podcast (online): Performance Testing With k6 (English).
17/06 GrafanaCON 2022 (online): Grafana k6: Testing without Limits (English).
16/03 Test Guild Performance Podcast (online): Testing our Performance Test Tools. (English)
18/03 Cambridge University Press QA Week 2021 (online): Load tests as code: An introduction to k6. (English)
23/03 Ministry of Testing Philippines meetup (online): Performance testing with Cypress, Lighthouse, and k6. (English)
27/05 New Relic FutureStack (online): Schrödinger’s Pokemon: Observability for Chaotic Load Testing. (English)
31/05 Performance Time Podcast (online): An Interview with Nicole van der Hoeven. (English)
09/06 Women Tech Global (online): The Convergence of Code and Speech. (English)
07/08 Performance Engineers club on Clubhouse (online): Realistic load testing. (English)
08/09 TestCon Europe 2021 (online): Schrödinger’s Pokémon: chaotic load testing with k6 and Grafana. (English)
16/09 Grafana Labs webinars (online): Intro to load testing with Grafana and k6. (English)
05/10 Grafana Virtual Meetup (online): Testing with k6 + Grafana: Better together. (English)
07/10 Womxn at Grafana (internal talk) (online): Womxn in R&D. (English)
09/10 Obsidian Community Talks (online): TTRPGs in Obsidian. (English)
14/10 Conf42 podcast (online): In the universe of k6. (English)
09/11 ObservabilityCON 2021 (online): Intro to using k6 load testing with the Grafana observability stack. (English)
09/11 ObservabilityCON 2021 (online): Keynote: Observability is your journey. (English)
23/11 Everyone Can Contribute Cafe (online): Load Performance Testing with k6. (English)
23/11 Testowanie wydajności aplikacji - Performance Objective meetup (online): Intro to load testing with k6 and Grafana. (English)
01/06 PerfGuild 2020 (online): Hybrid load testing: The best of testing using protocols and real browsers. (English)
19/06 Tricentis User Conference 2020: How to become a load tester. (English)
19/06 Perf Bytes en Español Podcast (online): Entrevista. (Spanish)
22/07 Test Guild Performance Podcast (online): Performance Testing FOMO. (English)
24/09 Testing Talks Online (panel) (online): Lifting the lid on performance testing: Best practices from innovative companies. (English)
31/10 JMeter Scripting Day (online): Cuándo JMeter no alcanza: pruebas de carga simulando navegadores. (Spanish)
03/04 TestCon Moscow 2019: (Moscow, Russia) Dismantling Cognitive Biases in Performance Testing. (English)