accessibility adhd adobo and avocados adobo & avocados advanced slides agent agile ai anuppucin api ask a flooder audio aws azure devops behavior-driven development beyla beyond the character sheet blinkist blockchain bookmarks books boundaries branding brilliant browser browser testing browsers burnout café con grafana callouts career certifications chaos engineering chaos testing chatgpt checklist circleci coaching code cognitive biases collector community containers content continuous profiling continuous testing core web vitals course crossplane culture cypress daily notes dataview D&D design developer advocacy developer relations devops DevRel dice roller digital nomad digitalocean distributed tracing diversity dnd docker doing it in public e-residency ebpf elasticesearch element english español espanso essentialism estonia excalibrain excalidraw exploratory faro financial independence flag theory flood element front-end performance frontend functional testing gatling gear gender getting things done github gitlab glue go goals golioth google cloud govable grafana grafana agent grafana cloud grafana labs grafana loki Grafana Office Hours grafana play grafana tempo graphite heuristics hugo identity imposter syndrome inclusion infrastructure as code instrumentation internet of things intersectionality jaeger JavaScript jest jmeter jorge arango k-six news k6 k6 browser k6 Cloud k6 Office Hours k6 operator k6io kafka kanban kindle knowledge gardening knowledge management kubedim kubernetes language learning languages latvia leaflet learning learning in public live livestream load load testing loadrunner locust logs loki london luckydippers Markdown mastodon media extended memory mental health metrics metrictank microservices midjourney mimir minimalism mobile monitoring motivation multinationality napkin nederlands netdata networking neurodivergence neurodiversity new relic nodejs note refactor note-taking notion o4e observability obsidian obsidian canvas obsidian projects obsidian releases ocd open telemetry opentelemetry outline parenthood patreon pdfs performance performance testing periodic notes personal finance personal knowledge management pkm playwright plugin plugins podcast pokemon pokémon português postman presentation productivity prometheus psychology public speaking puppeteer pyroscope python quartz quickadd readwise readwise reader real user monitoring reclaim religion remote requirements resilience testing resolutions roam research rpg ruby scotland scrintal scripting selenium serverless shift-left ship30for30 shortform sidecar site reliability site reliability engineering slos sly flourish snipd software testing spanish speaking startup strange new worlds synthetic monitoring tabletop games tagalog taking notes talk tanka task management tech templater templates tempo test-driven-development testing text theme time management timestamp notes tracing travel ttrpg ttrpgs ubik unemployment upbound video visual visual pkm visualization vlog women workflow working remotely workload model workload modeling workload modelling writing xk6-browser yinote ynab youtube zettelkasten zipkin