K-SIX News v0.47
In this video, my colleagues (Leandro Melendez, Marie Cruz, and Paul Balogh) and I discuss the latest updates in k6 v0.47.
Here are some of the highlights:
- We’ve created an official k6 Prometheus Grafana dashboard and another dashboard for Prometheus with native histograms.
- New APIs have been added for Prometheus Remote Write output for k6 (authentication and HTTP headers).
- We’ve increased the character limit for metric names from 63 to 128, aligned with the OpenTelemetry specification update.
- k6 browser tests can be executed in Grafana Cloud by everyone.
- We’ve improved the cookie API for k6 browser.
- We’ve added support for
for k6 browser. - There are now official Docker images that include a Chromium-based browser for running k6 browser tests within CI/CD pipelines.
- Distributed tracing is in public preview for Grafana Cloud.
- xk6-file is a new extension that lets you rename files within your k6 script.
- xk6-gcp is a new extension that adds k6 support for messaging using Google PubSub.
- xk6-dashboard is now an official Grafana extension that lets you generate HTML dashboards from k6 test results.
- k6x is a new utility that automatically detects when you import k6 extensions and builds the custom k6 binary for you so that you don’t have to.
- k6-operator now has a Helmchart deployment option.